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Name   Church
Subject   [11/10/11] 2011³â °¡À»Çб⠺¸¾ÆÁ ¸¶Ä¡°í

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It became my habit to reflect on the past term on the last day of Boaz every semester.

Although being exhausted, the reflection washes away all fatigue.

Boaz ministry does not bring money, fame or power but it brings people, which is much more valuable than any other.

When hearing Rabika's story of winning her friend's soul, Parbati's story of having felt comfort after her first prayer to God,

When hearing Hawa's story of missing her dad in Sierra leone,Rejina's confident voice on reading Scripture, and hearing most of our students love pizzas and wings,

I feel we are so blessed to having become friends with them in Christ.

Also when thinking of our TAs, instructors, and staff, I cannot but end up the last day of Boaz each semester with thanksgiving that I've met such selfless and sacrificial people for God's people. I cannot believe how you smile and not complain when you face so many things to do.

We've earn each other and it's the treasure of this ministry. :)

Glory to God, our Daddy, who created the heavens and the earth and us! :D

Much blessings,

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